
The Unlucky Traveler Part 2 - A Nocture Short Story

Hodge stared down into the valley and the pale blue lights of the village. His mouth hung open so wide a moth might have flown in and out again without his knowledge. The Atrasilva was not a place anything such as a village that size should be. He shook his head and blinked, assured that his eyes were playing tricks but the village remained in sight as his vision settled.

How could a village exist where there was no trade nor road to bring it? Hodge had seen a few maps in his time and the Silent Woods were always marked as empty of settlements. Surely he must be dreaming it up, but a pinch at his shoulder proved him awake. Awake and hungry, he realized as his stomach gave a ponderous rumble and his thoughts turned to food.

He wandered absently if the village would have food and with that in mind his feet started down the slope of the valley. A part of his mind warned him away from the eerie place, but through the fog of hunger and confusion it was not heeded. The closer to the gates of the village he came the more his fingers seemed to twitch with the prospect of other things the village might have.

A stone's throw away from the gates Hodge's steps did slow to the sound of people inside the village. For all the night he'd only had his own footfalls for company in the silence of the woods, that now the bustle of the village sounded foreign to him. Though this shock was great his want for food and rest spurred him on yet and the gates of the village were looming over him now.

Two figures watched Hodge from the space between the open gates. The figures were unmoving and this gave him pause. He stopped just before entering the lighted area and his chest tightened with a sudden fear. A man in a cursed forest that makes no sound finds his way to a village where none should exist, two shadowy figures watching him from beyond a gate filled with light.

Before the scene could play itself out in his head a voice rang out in the night.

Welcome stranger,” it was a man's voice, “to Nocturne – City of Eternal Twilight.” The man's voice was resonant and friendly which stopped Hodge's nerves from racing. “Come closer,” one of the figures beckoned to him now. He crept carefully closer until he could see both figures clearly.

Both of men were of middling age with dark hair. The one speaking was slightly taller and wore the robes of the clergy, but Hodge could not place what religion he served. The other man wore a vest and jacket which made him look quite dignified. As Hodge approached he was greeted with smiles and offered hands which he carefully shook. The taller of the two began to speak once more.

I am Father Tobias Vict and I serve the Lunar Temple here in the village.” He then gestured to the other man, “This is my brother Bartholomew who serves as mayor of Nocturne.” Bartholomew simply nodded. Hodge took a breath, ready to introduce himself, but his stomach stole the moment from him with a ponderous growl causing the brothers to erupt with hearty laughter.

After the moment passed he tried again. “I am called Hodge, a vagrant by nature and something of a rogue by trade.” His mouth snapped shut and he soon felt his hand on his neck, ready to grab the little dagger at his back. He had not intended to be so candid with his introduction. Few villages openly welcomed vagrants and none suffered rogues with mercy.

But the two men smiled still and Father Vict said, “Come then young Hodge and we will find you something to eat.” As the brothers led hem to food and rest they spoke quietly to one another, leaving him to gaze about the surroundings.

The gates opened into a plaza surrounded by various shops, all open for business despite the late hour. Buildings in the plaza were made of wood with stone foundations. People walked about the shops bathed in the pale blue light which Hodge could now see came from strange lamps that lined the streets. Each of these lamps burned brighter than any torch or candle he had ever seen.

Moonfire,” the answer to his unasked question made him jump, looking around to see Mayor Vict walking alongside of him casually. Hodge let out the breath he'd been holding and dropped his hand back to his side from where it had been clutching his chest.

I've never seen the like of it before,” he said, watching each lamp intently as they walked. For all of his scrutiny he could not tell what created the blue glow from within the lamp.

I shouldn't expect you have,” Mayor Vict said in return, “Here is the only place in this world where it exists.” Before Hodge could question him further Father Vict called to them from up ahead. He was standing at the entrance to a tavern, the sign above depicting a mug with a heady foam running over the rim and down the side.

Come Hodge,” Mayor Vict said, “We will take a meal with you at Stein's place and speak of what brings you to our village.”

A bell rang as they entered the tavern and quite a few heads turned to watch them as they walked in and found an open table. A pretty young barmaid was with them shortly thereafter. She was dressed simply but Hodge could not keep himself from staring. She took the orders tugging at one of her blonde pigtails and looked directly at him afterward.

And who is this?” she asked.
A visitor to our village Miss Penelope,” Father Vict replied. “I suspect that our new friend will have a brief stay here, but for that time we will accommodate him.” Penelope pouted a little at that, but bobbed away to give their orders to the cook with a smile all the same. Then Father Vict turned back to him and folded his hands on the table. “So tell us Hodge,” he said, “What were you doing out in the Atrasilva? As I understand it most people don't enter the woods for fear of curses and fell creatures.”

Hodge took a slow breath and thought hard about how to explain his reason for passing through the valley.

Copyright Kevin Franks 2014


The Unlucky Traveler Part 1 - A Nocture Short Story

The Unlucky Traveler 
Part 1

The road ended several feet ahead, just before the towering trees of the Silent Woods. A sign stood where the road faded from dirt to grass, warning away travelers with a skull. There were words on the sign as well, but Hodge could not read them.

Hodge was breathing heavily from all the running. He wet his lips with his tongue and stared deep into the shadows under the trees. It was mad, he knew, but with the King's men not far behind him Hodge would far rather risk what doom awaited him in the woods.

The world knew that few returned from the Silent Woods, and those that did came away from their journey's with broken minds or missing their memories. But the life of a thief was not an easy one, and Hodge fancied himself up to the challenge. He knew that on the other side of the woods and up the west side of the valley sat the border to the merchant's republic and all of its riches.

He hardly had time to catch his breath when the sounds of hooves and shouts echoed down the hill behind him. Hodge ran a bony hand through his midnight hair and tied his belt tighter around his waist. Then he sprinted into the shadows and away from certain death by the headsman's ax. He did not stop again until the sun had set and the moon shone full and bright in the sky.

Hodge nearly collapsed between the roots of an ancient tree and rested, his long legs burning and his breath short once more. Once his breathing slowed to normal he pulled a ration of salt pork from his pouch and ate. As he chewed his ill gotten dinner he began to take in the environment around him.

These woods had earned the name well, for Hodge could hear nothing but the sounds of his own making. The moon's light seemed to drain the world of color wherever it fell and the shadows became all the darker for it. The silence too made Hodge uneasy. He felt as though he were sitting amongst the scenery of a charcoal drawing. He finished his ration and felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, and for a moment he sat stock still.

Out of the corner of his eye Hodge could see movement, but when he turned slowly to look nothing appeared. A feeling of dread came over him and he stood cautiously, trying in vain to shake off the wave of gooseflesh that prickled his skin.

He decided to start moving again, hoping that the more ground he put behind him the better he would feel. He felt no fear of pursuit by the King's men as they would presume him dead by now, or worse. The thought did little to comfort him as he pressed onward.

He tried his best to stay out of the deep shadows, fearful of what may lurk there unseen. Perhaps if he had not needed to flee the kingdom so hastily he could have pilfered a lantern to light his way. His course meandered back and forth through the trees and made for slow progress. Hodge prided himself on his sense of direction, but even so it was difficult to keep his bearings straight here in the woods and he struggled to stay westward.

Ahead of him he began to see flashes of light through the trees and at first he thought the King might have ordered his men into the forest after him. He shook his head – if that were the case he would hear the sounds of men shouting, but the woods were silent as ever. Hodge also knew that he would not make the other edge of the woods before dawn and the nearest town was nearly another day's walk from there.

As he navigated around a steep drop in the terrain he began to remember the stories he would hear about the woods. Some said that fearsome and terrible creatures roamed the woods by night seeking unwary travelers for their supper. Others would tell that people would enter the woods despite warnings and disappear forever, and those that did return would have no memory of their time there or worse have gone completely out of their heads.

Hodge gripped his tattered cloak a bit tighter at that thought. Could a forest truly drive a man crazy? He didn't know and hoped he would not have to find out. Even if he was confident in his abilities, could he really avoid such a fate?

He shook his head to clear it of such rubbish and focused again on the rough terrain ahead, stopping to get his bearings. Looking around he found himself standing across a small path of sorts that lead northward. He pondered the track wondering if it were a game trail or such. Surely it couldn't be a hunter's track, could it?

After a moment Hodge decided to follow it and see. He suspected it would lead to nothing and he could simply reorient himself west then. To his surprise the track began to widen as he followed it, with the trees becoming more sparse as he went. Not much later a steep hill loomed over him and it took him a few moments to crest it. He stopped to take a few more breaths before continuing, but his breath hitched in his throat when he saw what lie down the other side.

Below lay a town of middling size sitting at the foot of the mountains. In the town there was movement like that of any large town he had ever been to. The town was lit with an eerie pale blue-white light that put Hodge in mind of specters and ghouls.

Copyright Kevin Franks 2013


Dragon Falls

Dragon Falls

I clung desperately to the back of the creature and did my best to avoid looking down past its haunches. The thing's scales provided handholds for me and I was slowly climbing up it's hide. I had grabbed the creature in hopes of ending our struggle swiftly, but I had not accounted for it taking to the air. Dragons are far more tenacious that I'd realized.

"Give up and fall to your doom, fool!" The dragon's voice was grating and harsh, as though all of its teeth prevented it from forming the words properly and its throat was singed by the fire it spat. The reminder that they were leagues above the fields did give me pause to reassure the grip on its back. It was fortunate that I took that moment for the dragon began bucking wildly, trying to throw me away like the core of an apple. I had conquered many a horse and even a bull or two, so one overgrown lizard would not beat me at that game.

 "You'll not throw me demon! I will see you dead before we leave the sky," I screamed. "So sayeth a Knight of the Order."

I grit my teeth and waited out the storm, and though I could feel the dragon speaking again the wind had kicked up and I could no longer hear it's curses. I was fine with the reprieve from its foul breath and I glanced up at my destination, not even a stones throw away. Just a few arms lengths above me was a scale that I'd knocked lose during my last fight against the beast. I knew that if I could pry it loose I could thrust my longsword deep enough to end the dragon's life.

With that thought my mind drifted lightly to the village below, its fields burning and its people mourning their lost. I dwelt heavily on my beloved, under the care of the priest and healer. Would she wake from her forced slumber? Could I survive this encounter and hold her slim frame in my arms again?

Those thoughts were cut short as I felt the dragon steady its wings and begin to find purchase on the updrafts in the area. It had tired and I knew it would need to glide for a spell to recoup its energy. With that I began to inch higher again and kept my eyes firmly on my goal. My armor was weighing me down, and should I fall I would drop like a stone. The gloves of my gauntlets however protected my hands from the hard scales and for that I was grateful.

"The Order?" The dragon roared with labored laughter, "A bunch of sad old men telling stories to the young and awaiting for their coffins." I could practically feel the malice in his words and it made me shiver. "The Order is nothing now, and even in its prime none could match my power!" His gloating turned my stomach.

"None but my master - Adam the Red! It is his teachings that will destroy you. His teachings and my hand!" I knew the rage the name of my master would cause him and he started hurling curses so intense that fire spewed after every other. I used the distraction to speed my pace and a few agonizing moments later reached my destination.

Without delay I found footing and began to pry at the loose scale. Practically kneeling atop the beast's back I wrenched up with all my might and the scale gave. I held it in my hand for only a moment when the dragon screamed with pain and rage and I couldn't keep my grasp on it. It went flying on the wind and I scrambled for purchase on the beast's back again and to my great relief I did not land far from the hole I'd made.

"What are you doing?" There was an anger in the dragon's voice that might have been able to kill on its own had there been enough power behind it. "I will destroy you! Once I have my claws around you the pig iron you wear will be your own tomb!" A smile crossed my face despite the danger. It seemed that the dragon was finally taking the threat of me seriously now. Maybe with a bit more I could give the dragon more than just a momentary fright.

"You do not scare me dragon," I retorted. "Fear is for those with aught to loose, and I have nothing left. You have seen sure of that yourself. You shall die by the hand of the last knight of the Order , a man with naught left to live for but your death." As I spoke I grabbed the edge of the hole in the beast's hide and braced my knees against its back. I drew the sword from my back with my right hand, sure to let the blade scrape against the scabbard.

To my delight, a sickening thought to be sure, I felt the dragon shiver. My mind must have started to slip, because I suddenly felt a perverse joy at the fact this dragon was at my mercy. I felt myself chuckle darkly, what use does a man about to die have for a mind anyway?

"Then tell me your desire!" I was surprised by this turn of events, but it filled me with a sadistic glee. A dragon begging? Bargaining for its life? Truly this was the greatest irony! "I can give you jewels and wealth beyond your wildest dreams!"

"You forget dragon," I said, "Those of the Order swear an Oath of poverty. Should I survive the wealth would go to my king and brothers. Wealth has no value to me."

"Then power!" I could almost have swooned at the desperation in its voice. My how the tables had turned. "I could set you up as king and emperor of any land!"

"Even now I have more pride than to be your puppet for an eternity dragon!" I hitched myself up and raised my sword arm above the hole in the scales anticipating the end of it.

"The girl then!" That made me pause a moment. My now fevered mind cleared just for a moment and I thought of the dark hair and soft features of the common girl I had fallen in love with during those long summers in the village. I had guarded them well during that time, but that was far beyond me.

I had only dropped my guard for a heartbeat, and no sooner had I than the dragon bucked again, rolling in the air to dislodge me from its back. I nearly fumbled my sword, but I grabbed on and held my position by sheer willpower alone. When the dragon had righted itself again I shot back at him. "Even if you could save her I could never let you harm any other. No bribe will save you today dragon, and if I must die as well then so be it!" I screamed with rage and indignity over his offer and thrust my blade into the hole, digging so deep that I think my hand sunk into the flesh after my sword.

Everything stopped then. Time no longer passed and I felt the dragon's massive heart stop. We lingered in the sky for what seemed to be an eternity. I could almost see whatever magic held us aloft fade from the dragon's aura and the wind blew again. Then time resumed and the earth pulled on the dragon's body from far below.

We fell.

The fall was intense and I felt my consciousness slipping, blackness edging at my vision.

I cried.

The last thing I remember thinking was her name.


 Copyright Kevin Franks 2013